Public Advisory: Extension of the Validity of Certificate of Accreditation of Individual Certified Public Accountants (CPAS) and Partnership/Firms Engaged in Public Accountancy Practice during Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ)

Public Advisory: Extension of the Validity of Certificate of Accreditation of Individual Certified Public Accountants (CPAS) and Partnership/Firms Engaged in Public Accountancy Practice during Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ)
Pursuant to PRB Resolution No. 19 (s.2020) of the Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy, as approved by the Professional Regulation Commission, the following rules shall be applied in the granting of extension of the validity of the Certificates of Accreditation of all individual CPAs and partnerships/firms engaged in public accountancy practice:
1. All individual CPAs and partnerships/firms who have pending applications for renewal and whose accreditations have expired during the implementation of the Enhanced
Community Quarantine shall be granted extension of their accreditation in the practice of public accountancy until July 31, 2020 or when the ECQ is totally lifted, whichever comes later.

2. All individual CPAs and partnerships/firms granted extension of accreditation shall be required to indicate in all their pertinent documents the following information:
“Accreditation No.____ valid until July 31, 2020 or when the ECQ is totally lifted, whichever comes later, pursuant to Board Resolution No. 19 , s. of 2020.”

3. All individual CPAs and partnerships/firms granted extension of accreditation shall be allowed to sign and certify Financial Statements until July 31, 2020 or when the ECQ is
totally lifted, whichever comes later: Provided, that the statement/information in the preceding paragraph shall be prominently cited in all their relevant documents issued.

4. Upon the total lifting of the ECQ, the pending applications shall be processed and evaluated, and the Commission shall start accepting applications for the issuance of the
Certificate of Accreditation.

5. The Chairman of the Board shall notify the appropriate government agencies of the provisions of this Resolution and furnish these agencies a copy of the list of individual
CPAs and partnerships/firms covered by this Resolution.

Please be guided accordingly.
For further concerns and queries, kindly email Accreditation and Compliance Division at the
email addresses provided below: